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Side by side in a sentence

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Sentence count:189Posted:2016-07-17Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: adjacentnextside by sideSimilar words: sideasidebesidebesidesoutsiderput asideconsiderresidentMeaning: adj. 1. nearest in space or position; immediately adjoining without intervening space 2. closely related or associated. 
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(121) Member countries retain their respective currencies but there exists a parallel currency which circulates side by side with the national currencies.
(122) Side by side were two well-executed oil paintings of the same man.
(123) Artisan's stalls and palaces stand side by side.
(124) We're usually working side by side with the men.
(125) Unemployment and unfilled vacancies can exist side by side.
(126) GPR live pallet storage consists of a number of gravity conveyor lanes ranged side by side and one above another.
(127) Senator McCain and the former president came together in a hangar at Houston's Hobby airport and stood side by side with their wives as the 41st president offered his endorsement.
(128) Querulously,[] my father and I were seated side by side in my uncle's Humber.
(129) Now has a partner, side by side face beauty, care for each other and not get too close, without much physical contact, concern and sympathy forever many.
(130) If important areas of biodiversity are protected sufficiently, then sustainable tourist development and the natural beauty of Tenerife can exist side by side.
(131) Houses for the poor are built of adobe — sun-baked mud — standing side by side in long terraces.
(132) Theory and experiment in physics have developed side by side through mutual cross-fertilization .
(133) Instead of using a single fuselage cylinder, they used two partial cylinders placed side by side to create a wider structure whose cross-section resembles two soap bubbles joined together.
(134) Put the eggplants side by side in a serving dish.
(135) Side by side with the shorter side of the tile cutting corners, turn the edge of the tile.
(136) They sat down on two iron chairs, side by side but not too close
(137) In his global warming experiment, he suspended heaters in a grid pattern to create heated plots, then unheated plots, back and forth, so he can judge the effects side by side.
(138) Side by side they lie in the dust, and worms cover them both.
(139) Immediate value can often be afforded to business users by enabling them to easily navigate through the data to view it side by side, associating data from one source to that of another.
(140) That night, the day after my 22nd birthday, I proudly wore the armband on my left arm, almost side by side with the Portuguese escudo embroidered on the shirt and close to my heart.
(141) The separate nature regarding the relations between each member and the borrower side by side with internal legal relations within the syndicate is the main framework feature of syndicate loan.
(142) DODOMA, Tanzania — Lying side by side on a narrow bed, talking and giggling and poking each other with skinny elbows, they looked like any pair of teenage girls trading jokes and secrets.
(143) Modern teaching buildings and Villas ancient buildings patchwork exist side by side.
(144) Zodiacal time measurement was now used side by side with the older naksatra one.
(145) They were headed straight for the skiff swimming side by side.
(146) Lakka - trees ripen two by two And mandarin - ducks die side by side.
(147) Allow a speedy verification of the translation by displaying the content of the translated file side by side with its corresponding original language file.
(148) Did Patroclus doubt Achilles when the stood side by side at the seat of Troy?
(149) The record section shows an assemblage of such traces side by side.
(150) In the wide weaving machine, the difference of warp tension on two beams are reduced by using a differential gear train of let-off motion double beams (side by side).
More similar words: sideasidebesidebesidesoutsiderput asideconsiderresidentsidewalkset asidelay asideon the sideresidencepresidentalongsideaside fromcast asidepresidencyresidentialconsiderablepresidentialconsiderablyconsiderationbe considered assubsidywidetideideaaidebride
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